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Terms & Conditions.

(Revised on 22/07/2024 and taking immediate effect)

  1. Quoted prices are subject to VAT at the prevailing standard rate.
  2. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all invoices must be settled in advance as cleared funds prior to service delivery.
  3. Sales orders may be broken into stages, with stage payments being invoiced based on deliverables or milestones which will be clearly stated in the order.
  4. To qualify for any subsidies and/or discounts, payments are to be made in full on or before their invoice due dates.
  5. Late payments beyond 3 working days will result in the loss of any subsidy or discount.
  6. Late payments beyond 30 days from the invoice date will result in an interest charge being levied equivalent to 5 percentage points above the prevailing BOE base rate, calculated from the invoice due date.
  7. Cancellations by the client will be charged at 50% where under 1 calendar month’s notice is given, and 100% where under 1 week’s notice is given. A credit note will be issued as appropriate where fees have already been paid. Unless agreed in advance, postponements are regarded as cancellations and are subject to the above conditions.
  8. Ascent Business Solutions Ltd (hereafter referred to as “the Company”) reserves the right to cancel scheduled work (by email, letter or fax) without penalty. In such situations, the Company will fully refund any fees received for uncompleted work, but will not be liable in any way for any consequential losses incurred by a client as a result of such cancellation. Every effort will be made by the Company to avoid such cancellations.
  9. Where numbers of days or hours are quoted to complete tasks, these are purely our best estimates. Under our terms of contract, work delivery is on a best endeavours basis only, and the fees payable are purely based on our time legitimately booked.
  10. In case of breach of contract where the contract terms have not been adhered to by the client, resulting in the debt being referred to our solicitors for collection, all outstanding invoices will become due for immediate payment, and all legal and administrative fees and costs incurred by the Company or its agent to recover such unpaid debts, will be billed to the client and become due on invoice settlement date. For all debts that remain unpaid, we will claim under the Late Payment of Debts Interest Act 1998 at the prevailing interest rate at that time.
  11. Support contracts are purchased as bundles of time, which upon payment receipt can be drawn down on demand by the client, allowing reasonable time for our response.
  12. Support contract time is for remote use by phone, email or web conference, and cannot be used for training sessions, consultancy or on-site work, unless otherwise agreed by the Company in writing.
  13. The Company’s consultants apply proper professional care and diligence always in the client’s best interests, the company cannot be held liable for eventual damages or losses incurred, or deemed to have been incurred, as a result of our work. The client’s management remains responsible for scrutinising and sanctioning the decisions and actions of our consultants.
  14. With the exception of statutory liabilities arising from death, injury or fraudulent misrepresentation, any ultimate liability is strictly limited to the fee value of work completed by the Company.
  15. The performance of Zoho and other proprietary software and services are in no way our responsibility, and we will not be liable in any way for the consequences of their mis-performance.
  16. Offers are valid for 30 days from the date of the proposal. Beyond this the prices may vary.
  17. Where exceptionally there is a retrospective performance-based component to the Company‘s fees, this must be based on a prior agreed formula to determine the amount and timing of such payment(s). In the absence of an agreed formula, the fees will revert to a straight time-based fees.
  18. In cases of dispute English law will apply to contracts between the client and the Company.
  19. Force Majeure. If the agreement cannot be performed due to force majeure, the responsibility shall be exempted in part or in whole according to the influence of force majeure. However, if force majeure occurs after the party delays performance, the party shall not be exempted from liability.
    Force majeure including, without limitation, the following force majeure events (“Force Majeure Event(s)”) that frustrates the purpose of this Agreement: (a) acts of God; (b) flood, fire, earthquake or explosion; (c) war, invasion, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), terrorist threats or acts, riot or other civil unrest; (d) government order or law; (e) actions, embargoes or blockades in effect on or after the date of this Agreement; (f) action by any governmental authority; (g) national or regional emergency; (h) strikes, labour stoppages or slowdowns or other industrial disturbances; (i) epidemic, pandemic or similar influenza, bacterial infection or pandemic, or serious illness); (j) emergency state; (k) shortage of adequate medical supplies and equipment; (l) shortage of power or transportation facilities; and (m) other similar events beyond the reasonable control of the Impacted Party.
  20. All offers and orders are subject to the latest Ascent Business Solutions Ltd Terms and Conditions, which may vary and are published on our web site: